Veiligheid bewust afgewogen

Aanzet tot een methodiek

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Making safety explicit: a methodology to include safety issues in design and in decision making on infrastructures. Decision making on safety issues is not the easiest thing one can imagine. Discussions on policymaking in this field therefore are often quite complicated. Parties take their own positions and often discuss over one single safety measure. On the other hand several safety methodologies exist that explicitly focus on framing risk into one overall picture. Unfortunately these methods hardly give an overview of possible solutions, neither do they show ways of compensating between different risk situations. This paper presents a methodology that could become a useful decision support tool and fill in the gap. The methodology is trying to make a connection between the problem-oriented safety methodologies and the solution-oriented safety discussions. Central in the concept are functional requirements. These problem-oriented formulated items have a connection with the important aspects of the local situation, the important risk factors and solution-oriented safety measures. This concept provides an overview for every type of incident by putting functional requirements for every accident or incident phase. By giving one overview of the results, including the used and not-used safety measures, insight is given in the choices that are made. By making these choices explicit decisions can be made more objective and compensation rules become more clear in safety discussions.
