Senioren Wonen in Zoetermeer - Een advies over de inzet van de instrumenten van de gemeente Zoetermeer om de mismatch op de woningmarkt van senioren te beperken / Elderly living in Zoetermeer - Recommendations for the use of steering instruments to reduce the mismatch on the housing market for the elderly

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This study investigates how the Municipality of Zoetermeer can apply available instruments to reduce the mismatch on the housing market for the elderly. Results show that current residential demand does not match current supply. More three-room dwellings and more apartments are needed. Application of a model called Pyramid model shows how the development of the elderly population influences the increasing demand for convenient dwelling. The model elaborates the convenience of the dwellings by classifying them as one-star, two-star or three-star dwellings. In 2030 a deficiency of 1.650 one-star dwellings is expected for the total market. However 200 less two-star dwellings can be realized. For households aged over 55 with a lower income 800 – 1.550 social two-star dwellings need to be realized by 2030. This can be done either by constructing new dwellings or by upgrading current supply. Since the future development is surrounded by uncertainty it is important to monitor the development of supply and demand by using key figures like the success rate or the residential perspective. For the accomplishment of new supply the municipality has to negotiate performances within the current network of housing associations and look for new partners able to develop part of the required dwellings. Only when the municipality has a land position she has a strong negotiation position to ask for compensation. Also for upgrading the existing social supply the municipality has to negotiate with housing associations. For upgrading the private supply a specific information campaign is needed. A financial incentive can stimulate the upgrading of private dwellings.