INDISTINCT BORDER- Rentable living room for single business starters

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Since December 2014, Dutch government started to issue one new type of VISA for foreign innovative business starters to startup in Netherlands. Amsterdam would be their first choice because of its various initial advantages. However, living and office costs in Amsterdam, especially in the inner city, are not so affordable for these starters. My design would provide both affordable dwelling and office to them, with nice collective space and flexibility. In this case, I try to combine living and office into one dwelling unit, which is flexible in privacy and collectivity. Using the conclusions from our theme research, I mix the borders between living space, office space and collective space by private doors and sliding doors. The starters could use their living room as their own office to start up or rent it out to the other starters and office seekers. The borders between different space not only provide enough privacy for single dwellers but also reduce the living and office costs. And new ideas and thoughts would crash and flourish in this building.