A sturdy wind-powered rotary displacement pump suitable to Developing Regions (field case Palestina)

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The peristaltic pump is promising to the developing world: the easiest to produce, with an excellent match to a wind rotor, and thus able to independently irrigate fields and fill water basins. From the basins users can use a siphon, rather than a bucket. Water could be accessible all day, close to homes and effortless. A prototype of the pump was made and tested. The prototype pumped 4,2L/min at a rotational velocity of 100RPM, with a 10m head and 2,2Nm torque. The prototype did not run stable yet; the hose would get dragged along by the rollers, creating a shock-like behaviour. This problem can be solved by implementing a thicker hose and connectors that push the hose against the housing. This would also improve the pumps flow rate.


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