Landscape design methods in architecture

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Landscape has been used as a metaphor or conceptual reference for an increasing amount of excellent architectural projects in the last two decades. The phenomenon seems to be a substantial innovation of architecture with an interesting potential for artistic, social and ecological gains. To be able to better understand and critically review these projects, it is important to better understand the notion of landscape. How can we better understand the idea of landscape and its design methods for application in architecture? To answer this central question we try to find a working definition of relevant landscape design methods in this paper. Only thereafter may we ask how these landscape methods are applied to the theory and practice of architecture, and what knowledge can be derived from built examples for future practical and theoretical use in the field. This paper is part of the larger study ‘Architecture with Landscape Methods’ with more case studies. This paper however is mainly based on literature study. Currently the author is analyzing four crucial projects from 1990-present in CAD and GIS based analytical case studies. One or two of these cases will illustrate the subject to the audience in the author's poster presentation at IFLA2012.
