EXO-L Foot Attachment

Designing a more universal foot connection

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This thesis describes the analysis and design of a more universal connection for the connection of EXO-L to the foot. EXO-L is a product is a product that prevents ankle sprains with the foot rotating towards the inside (lateral ankle sprains). EXO-L works by connecting the foot to a 3D printed part around the ankle in a particular way. In the current design, the part around the ankle is connected to a part that is sewn onto the shoe. This solution works, but has some problems regarding aesthetics, process and costs. This project is about finding a new solution for the connection to the foot based on the situation where bigger numbers are being sold. The main question is thus what the next steps are for the connection to the foot. To answer this question, a design was made based on analysis of anatomy, biomechanics, spraining prevention and shoe design. The design was evaluated with some tests including a user test.


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