Design directions for reducing the peak load on the residential grid using electric vehicles

Simulating the behaviour of electric vehicle owners using the concepts of Social Acceptance and Moral Acceptability in an Agent-Based model

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Due to the transition to sustainable transport, an increase of the share of electric vehicles is expected. The electric vehicles will increase the peak demand on the electricity grid. It is possible to shift the demand of the electric vehicles using smart grid technology. The electric vehicle owners have the option to use this smart electric vehicle system. Using the concepts of social acceptance and moral acceptability an agent-based model is used to simulate the use of the smart EV system. Based on this agent-based model possible design directions are identified for the smart EV system which reduce the expected electricity grid problems sufficiently in the long-term. For the smart EV system to be as effective as possible vehicle to grid technology in combination with an algorithm which optimizes on the network capacity have should be used. However, these options were the least accepted by the EV owners and therefore further research is required. The next step for research is to develop a businesses models for the design directions discussed in this thesis.