Gaining insight into meso-level collaboration behaviour in the Dutch heat and cold energy storage field

Developing a factor framework with Q-methodology to assess the most important drivers for collaboration behaviour

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Heat and cold storage networks can have a significant contribution in saving CO2-emissions and creating a more environmental friendly energy market in the Netherlands. Urgency for the usage of heat and cold stems from multiple reasons. Despite these reasons, there is minimal development in the heat and cold energy storage field in The Netherlands. Therefore, a systems analysis from three perspectives is performed into the performance of the field. The technological and economical perspectives do not negatively affect the field’s development; the institutional design perspective for which the IAD framework is used, shows that interactions do not lead to collaboration. A Q-methodology study is performed to find the main drivers for collaboration. The results from this Q-methodology show that four perspectives in the field can be seen as main drivers for collaboration behaviour: the Early Adopters-, the Policy Sceptics-, the Quid pro quo- and the Second Movers-perspective. These perspectives are not all institutionalized in Dutch (in-)formal institutions and hence, partly burden collaboration in the Dutch heat and cold energy storage field. This study can be improved by looking at other institutional market designs for the development of the field. Herewith finding other reasons why the field’s development is not as large as could be expected.