Overturning Strength of the Sub-Polar Gyre in the North Atlantic Ocean, within the GLORYS12 reanalysis model

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The Earth’s climate is changing, due to global warming, impacting the ocean circulation around the world. As the ocean circulation distributes large amounts of energy around the world, this can alter climate drastically if changed. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a fundamental ocean component to comprehend climate change and further investigation enhances our capacity to predict it. The AMOC plays a pivotal role in regulating the ocean heat transport within the North Atlantic Ocean, influencing the climates of North America and Europe. This study centers its attention on the Sub-Polar Gyre (SPG), a critical region where the AMOC activity peaks. Within this region, this study aims to get a better understanding of the overturning dynamics of the SPG, on a seasonal and annual time scale. To achieve this, the reanalysis model GLORYS12 is used, which offers a detailed simulation of ocean dynamics spanning the period from 1993 to 2020. With its high-resolution, eddy-resolving capabilities, GLORYS12 is particularly well-suited for capturing the nuanced small-scale overturning processes associated with the AMOC. From these model data, the overturning is calculated from alongstream changes in boundary current transport divided in density classes. The analysis is performed for the entire SPG by dividing it into its major basins: the Iceland Basin, Irminger Sea, and Labrador Sea. Subsequently, the boundary currents of the SPG are further subdivided into seventeen individual segments, providing insights into how overturning dynamics vary along the SPG. The results reveal that the mean overturning strength in the SPG for 1993-2020 is 23.8 Sverdrups (106 m3/s (Sv)). The distribution in overturning strength between the basins is 41%, 29%, and 30% for the Iceland Basin, Irminger Sea, and Labrador Sea respectively. Furthermore,
the results shows overturning occurs at increasingly higher densities, the further west you go. Each basin displays a pronounced seasonal pattern, with maximum overturning occurring in March and the minimum in September. On an inter-annual time scale, the overturning strength in both the Iceland Basin and Irminger Sea exhibits a decreasing trend of -0.04 and -0.02 Sv/year respectively, whereas the Labrador Sea has an increasing trend of 0.02 Sv/year over 1993-2020. A further division in shorter segments yields large spatial differences in overturning, both in overall strength and the distribution over density classes. However, these outcomes are less robust as flows are highly variable and numerical errors associated with the overturning calculations become more prominent. This also raises questions about the reliability of the assessment
of overturning along segments from observations to determine the local overturning dynamics. In conclusion, this study leverages GLORYS12 for a detailed basin and segmented analyses to offer a comprehensive understanding of the AMOC within the SPG. The findings provide valuable insights into the AMOC’s long-term behavior, seasonal variations, annual trends, and high spatial variability. Using this increased understanding, future research can improve on why the AMOC behaves in the observed way, by analyzing the overturning dynamics sensitivity to oceanic and atmospheric conditions
