Increasing robustness of Software-Defined Networks

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In this thesis, an overview on performed research is given to investigate possible enhancements and solutions to enable SDN as future network paradigm. Currently, beside robustness, problems exist on scalability and security with the application of SDN to current network infrastructures. On robustness, current research do not provide the necessary solutions to detect failures and activate protection schemes to failover to pre-configured backup paths within the set failover requirements. We will attempt to solve the problems to reduce the failover times on Ethernet IP networks with the application of active link monitoring and advanced capabilities of the OpenFlow protocol. To enable protection scheme, a routing algorithm is required that provides link-based protection. We propose a protection algorithm that guarantees protection, minimizes path cost on primary path and discovers protection paths for intermediate switches on the primary path with the main purpose to minimize failover times, optimize network traffic and reduce the need for crankback routing. In short, we provide a complete solution to increase the robustness of Ethernet IP networks to the level of carrier-grade and industrial networks with the application of a link-based protection scheme and optimal routing algorithm, combined into a Software Designed Networking solution.