The economic and environmental potential of electric cars within the Amsterdam Airport Corridor

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Electric cars currently receive much attention. Schiphol Group considers the uptake of electric cars an interesting solution to decrease transport related emissions around the airport. This research considers four different passenger transport services within the Amsterdam Airport Corridor. To assess the economic and environmental potential of electric cars, their performance is compared with diesel cars when used for these transport services. The NPV is used to assess economic potential. Emission rates of CO2, NOx and PM10 are used to assess environmental performance. Scenarios were used to indicate the impact of uncertain factors on the potential and possible risks of investments. It turns out that the use of electric cars can be financially sound if large mileages per car and per fleet can be realized. Highest environmental gains can be achieved when electricity generation is sustainable. Schiphol Group is advised to start a small scale project with electric taxis between the airport and business centers in the airport region. A small project limits the investment risks but enables the increase of knowledge and cooperation with relevant parties. Technological and financial developments related to sustainable mobility in general and electric mobility in particular should be followed to continuously assess the potential of transport alternatives. Successful technologies can be used for other modalities and traffic flows as well.