Developing 2D and 3D cadastral registration system based on LADM

Illustrated with Malaysian cases

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This paper investigates several aspects of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM, ISO 2012) associated to 2D and 3D cadastral situations within Malaysian cadastral registration system. Literature review shows that many countries propose their own profile based on the LADM such as The Netherlands, Portugal, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Australia/ Queensland, Cyprus and others. Malaysia is one of the potential candidates towards LADMbased country profile, as proposed in this paper. Several aspects of the LADM such as the RRR’s (Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities), the ’Spatial Unit’ and ’Party’ will be described related to 2D and 3D cadastral situations within the UML modelling language as a tool for the data modelling. Code lists are used to describe a more open and flexible enumeration values and associated to Malaysian mapping standard. Code lists are useful for expressing a long, and potentially extensible, list of potential values. The code lists included in the LADM aim to allow the use of local, regional or national terminology. We plan to utilise cadastral datasets from Malaysian NMA (National Mapping Authority, ’JUPEM’) and Land Office agency to illustrate the various cases. Note that the spatial data comes from JUPEM, and registration (non-spatial data) from the Land Office.
