Marqt opportunities

Translating market research into new product/service ideas and concepts for Marqt

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Recent media publications show that something is wrong in the food industry: financial win has become more important than ethics. Since 2008, Marqt has attempted to reconnect customers and suppliers, offering pure and high quality products. Marqt wants to expand by changing its image to gain a stronger market position and reach more customers. The goal of this project is to advice Marqt on how to reach more customers. Analyses of the company, customers, products, industry, competition and trends have shown that the timing for Marqt is right, but competition is currently shifting from competing on price to quality & service. Furthermore, risks exist in customers being creatures of habit and in losing customers when changing the image. In order to know what Marqt should do to avoid these risks and realize future growth, a two-fold customer research was conducted, based on previous academic findings. It appeared that customers’ grocery shopping behavior is strongly dependent on their mood and mode. More concrete factors, the most important being taste, price, store proximity and word of mouth, are moderated by this mood or mode, showing the importance of targeting customers based on their current state of mind. Concrete examples are presented to increase the number of customers, and involve, educate & inspire them.


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