Emerging New Roles for Designers and Planners

Articulating Soft and Hard Infrastructures.

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Hard infrastructure are often purposed by urbanists to facilitate further economic and societal Hard infrastructure are often purposed by urbanists to facilitate further economic and societal development. However, the recent protests in Brazil and Turkey against the urban plans told the development. However, the recent protests in Brazil and Turkey against the urban plans told the other side of the story of infrastructure: the design of hard infrastructure alone is not enough. other side of the story of infrastructure: the design of hard infrastructure alone is not enough. Roberto Rocco, an assistant professor of TU Delft and also a Brazilian, reviews the underlying Roberto Rocco, an assistant professor of TU Delft and also a Brazilian, reviews the underlying causes of the protest in Brazil, from which he stresses the importance of soft infrastructure and causes of the protest in Brazil, from which he stresses the importance of soft infrastructure and the political role of urban planners and designers. the political role of urban planners and designers.
