Robust Offshore Networks for Oil and Gas Facilities

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Offshore Communication Networks utilize multiple of communication technologies to eradicate any possibilities of failures, when the network is operational. Offshore Oil and Gas platforms and Wind parks (manned / unmanned) have strict and tight requirements for robust communication. Robustness of communication networks can be evaluated by the analysis of either transmission networks on the physical layer or by the network protocols and techniques run over the transmission network on higher layers. Offshore Oil and Gas facilities aim for continuous production to achieve the desired goals and a robust transmission network is very important to avoid production losses. In general, offshore transmission networks last for longer periods, which means transmission technologies must be robust with maximum availability against repair and replacement time and costs to evade interruptions, especially in catastrophic situations. But in reality a network can face multiple of problems, which can halt or interrupt communication for seconds, minutes, hours and in some cases days. In this thesis, the robustness of offshore transmission networks for Oil and Gas facilities is evaluated for normal and catastrophic situations to avoid maximum disruptions in communication by comparing three technologies (Optical, Microwave LOS, and Satellite communication) in terms of availability, repair and replacement time and costs, and by applying network graph theory to overcome technological differences. The results of the analysis show that the offshore transmission technologies have some predetermined trends, impacts and risks associated with different kind of manmade and natural hazards at different geographic locations, which can be prevented by applying network graph theory with a combination of transmission technologies for both normal as well as catastrophic situations. This thesis highlights the importance of robustness related to repair and replacement time and costs due to catastrophic calamities and will serve offshore industry to make an efficient decision while designing or extending transmission networks for offshore Oil and Gas facilities.