Multi-criteria appraisal of multi-modal urban public transport systems

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This study proposes a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) modelling framework for the appraisal of multi-modal urban public transportation services. MCDM is commonly used to obtain choice alternatives that satisfy a range of performance indicators. The framework embraces both compensatory and non-compensatory approaches including lexicographic, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), technique for order preference by similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS) and Concordance Analysis. These methods are applied on survey data collected through a questionnaire in Teheran, Iran. The survey encompassed passengers, operators and the wider community and inquired about the perceived attributes of three urban public transport modes: regular bus (RB), bus rapid transit (BRT) and rail rapid transit (RRT). The aforementioned MCDM techniques were applied to rank the performance of the three studied transit modes. The outputs of this study are instrumental in supporting planning decisions and prioritizing measures to improve public transport services.
