A Multi-view Method for Embedded Systems Architecting. Balancing Genericity and Specificity

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This thesis describes the CAFCR method for embedded systems architecting. Embedded systems are software and technology intensive systems. Typical examples of software and technology intensive products are televisions, DVD-players, MRI scanners, and printers. The creation of these products is a multi-disciplinary effort by hundreds of engineers. The method is based on multiple views that are integrated by qualities and architectural reasoning. Story telling is used as complementary submethod to gather requirements and to make specification and design discussions specific. The architecting method is applied in retrospect on the development of a Medical ImagingWorkstation. The Medical ImagingWorkstation case is used to evaluate the method. The thesis is structured in four parts: Introduction, Architecting method, Medical Imaging Workstation case, and Evaluation and Conclusions. The first part articulates the research question and the hypothesis. The last part assesses the hypothesis by evaluating the use of the method in the case.