NLR robotics development and test environment real time operations simulator

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This report contains a description of work performed under contract with the "Nederlands Instituut vor Vliegtuigontwikkeling en Ruimtevaart, NIVR". The objective of the work was to implement and demonstrate a real-time simulation package in the development and test environment of the NLR Teleoperations and Robotics laboratory. Originally, EUROSIM was planned to be implemented, but could not be made available in time. Therefore, the NLR real-time simulation package PROSIM was used. For the demonstration, the JISFP model software was used. This software consists of dynamics model software and onboard software models. A new user interface software has been developed using the simulation control software interface package TclTk. The architecture of the software is such that a distributed simulation can be realised. The simulator, the visualisation, and the simulation control and operations control interface can run on three different workstations.


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