Livinggreen Labs

A report on the development of a co design-based engagement method

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The publication in front of you presents the full results of the six Livinggreen Labs that have been organised during the course of the project. The primary goal of these Labs was to develop and test a methodology to engage stakeholders, including end-users, in sustainable renovation of cultural heritage buildings. This was a part of the project as a whole, about which you will also read. A separate publication was made for each individual Livinggreen Lab. This overall publication pulls these results together, providing an overview of the methodology as was developed and tested with these labs. By considering the full results it is easier to recognise the flexibility that needs to be allowed when considering to use this ‘Livinggreen Lab’ method in the future. The five themes in the project were Energy, Water, Eco-Materials, Architectonic values and Climate Resilience. On all topics the project team from Delft University of Technology (DUT) worked together with another partner. These were respectively: City of Ludwigsburg (Germany), EcoHouse Antwerp (Belgium), National Trust (UK), City of Lille (France) and White Rose Foundation (The Netherlands). The diversity of themes and partners combined with the desire to develop a methodology that can be repeated was a formidable challenge, on which the DUT team has worked with a lot of energy. Each development, expected and less so, has contributed to our overall insights of the usability and relevance of the methodology “Livinggreen Labs”. Besides pulling the reports of each individual Lab together, we will share some of these insights with you in this document, and refer to deeper analyses in related papers that the team has produced.
