IT Infrastructure Reorganization

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The Bachelor Project assignment of internet startup, fulfilled by Tiddo Langerak and Alex Walterbos, consisted of the replacement of the IT infrastructure in the company. Before designing the new system, the old system was analyzed. Based on this analysis, a list of requirements was formed. The system has been designed so that it fulfills a significant amount of the requirements per definition: Using modern techniques like the Node.js platform, the AngularJS framework, Redis caching and an Nginx webserver, a high performance RESTful IT infrastructure was built. This design includes a server side service for business logic calculation and a Content Management System for internal usage. Using this system, hopes to grow substantially without being held back by technology. (Performance) tests have shown a significant improvement over the old system. The system is set up to be flexible, maintainable and reliable. Its performance is of a grade that, according to early estimations, should even be able to support international traffic. The management has already expressed their satisfaction with the systems performance, even before the system has been implemented completely.
