The Green Gap

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The United Nations Environmental Council Headquarter (UNEC), is a sustainable development, which also try to help solving the problem of the amount of green in the city. This project is developed in Manhattan, which is an interesting place with a big moving culture. It is a busy city, with a very high density. The future green vision of the city, is not to connect the whole city with central park, but to extend the central park to its surrounding. The starting point used for the architectural development is designing a complex which is United. The Headquarter design translate the ideas of the UN of being transparent. With a strategical way of designing the sequence of spaces developed. The strength of the context are used and the weaknesses are taken care of. The UNEC is the 6th council of the UN. It will have the power to coordinating the world wide sustainable developments. It will be a central organization that collects, produces, exchange and propagates information about sustainability, concerning social, ecological and economical issues.