Continuous River Levee Safety Assessment based on a Reliability Analysis

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A design scheme is proposed to evaluate the safety of continuous linear structure i.e. river levee. The scheme is developed to establish a procedure to continuously evaluate the stability failure of embankment during flood runoff by seepage, and to identify locations for reinforcement of river levee. A 20km stretch of a fairly large river running through one of the major cities in Japan is chosen for a case study. First all the information available for this river levee for the both side of river have been collected and complied. The data include river levee configurations for every 200m, all the soil investigation results done in the past and the results of levee safety inspection by MLIT. The strength parameters of the embankment and the foundation are obtained from about 50 triaxial test results (CUbar). The permeability coefficient is estimated from about 300 grain size distribution and 15 permeability test results. The configurations of the levee sections are analyzed, and the ranges of various dimensions, such as slope inclinations, crown width, height of retaining wall at edge of slope etc., are obtained. Based on these information, detailed seepage and stability analyses for the possible dimensions of levee sections and material properties are carried out to get the response function (RS) for the safety assessment. Based on this information, the response surface (RS) for the river levee is developed. In developing RS, the experimental design technique is applied for efficiency. MCS is applied to evaluate the failure probability of the levee based on the parameters obtained from the all the analyses explained above for every 200m interval along the levee because all the configuration dimensions of the levee is available at these sections. Results of MCS are presented along the levee, which immediately shows less safe sections.