A hybrid semiconductor-glass waveguide laser

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We report on a novel type of laser in which a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) receives frequency-selective feedback from a glass-waveguide circuit. The laser we present here is based on InP for operation in the 1.55 µm wavelength range. The Si3N4/SiO2 glass waveguide circuit comprises two sequential high-Q ring resonators. Adiabatic tapering is used for maximizing the feedback. The laser shows single-frequency oscillation with a record-narrow spectral linewidth of 24 kHz at an output power of 5.7 mW. The hybrid laser can be tuned over a broad range of 46.8 nm (1531 nm to 1577.8 nm). Such InP-glass hybrid lasers can be of great interest in dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and as phase reference in optical beam-forming networks (OBFN). The type of laser demonstrated here is also of general importance because it may be applied over a huge wavelength range including the visible, limited only by the transparency of glass (400 nm to 2.35 µm).
