Ride fast, Ride together

Solutions for grouping travellers and increasing ridesharing in PRT

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Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is a means of transportation that offers personal, on-demand non-stop transportation between any two points on a network of specially built guide-ways. It consists of small vehicles able to carry four passengers, combining the advantage of privacy offered by private advantage of cars and the social advantages of public transportation. The company 2Getthere successfully implemented a PRT system in Masdar city last November 2010, providing continuous service between two stations. A future challenge the company has identified, is to be able to increase the occupancy rate of the PRT and the grouping of travellers in a future in which the system will have a higher number of stations. Consequently the purpose of the project “Ride fast, ride together” is to explore and deliver concepts that can trigger and motivate travellers in riding together in PRT, towards those stations that are selected the most. The context of ridesharing has been analysed with literature findings, consult with experts, and creative techniques. The main challenges identified were understanding how to influence the behaviour of the different types of traveller, and how the current use of the system can be improved. In particular, it has been explored how way finding can help guiding and grouping travellers, what structures waiting lines should offer, what layout stations should have and how the layout of interfaces influence decision making. Concepts have been presented by means of scenarios of use, considering the interactions in waiting in lines, booking rides, operating ticket machines and making in use of mobile technologies. During this phase, insights have been gained by observing participants acting out different scenarios and taking into account the pros and cons of every different situation. The final design proposal is an engaging, rewarding and motivating service that stimulates travellers in riding PRT together in order to gain credits and prizes. The proposal consists of a platform gate that triggers travellers with catchy claims, an internal PRT interface linked to a mobile application with which travellers can gain credits in addition to organizing their journeys. Furthermore, a scalability plan has been proposed where the way-finding solution, ticketing machines and a full mobile application to organize and book journeys has been designed. As a conclusion for the project, the steps the designer went through in order to come up with the final proposal are presented, with detailed images, and results from the user tests. An evaluation of the project and the process is presented together with final acknowledgments.


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