Managing medical data collection from multiple sources

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Nowadays, health care institutions do not only store health care information generated at their own facility, but also information retrieved from other institutions. This distribution of data over different institutions raises problems of duplicate and conflicting data. Recently a new standard for exchanging medical data has been developed: FHIR (pronounce: "fire"). In the Netherlands, this FHIR structure is being implemented to model the different aspects of the Dutch health care system, in the form of "Health and Care Information Module" or HCIM. It is our tasks to implement this new FHIR standard in the Personal Health Environment from Ivido, an online platform where patients can manage their own medical data. It is our responsibility to implement one of the more important FHIR structures, the medication data. Our job involved creating functionality to communicate with other health institutes, correctly handle FHIR data and create a user interface to show users their data. Finally, the designed algorithms should be able to recognize duplicates and conflicts in retrieved data.