De gehele lifecycle met BIM

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‘The building life cycle in a complex and dynamic multi-stakeholder environment. Increasing the effectiveness of information with the aid of BIM at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.’ This research is conducted to deepen the practical use of BIM. In the literature it is said that BIM is the new phenomena that will improve multiple defects within the construction sector. One of them is foreseeing the right information at the right place at the right time during the building life cycle. The aim of this research is to investigate if it is possible to optimise the information streams and if the management process within the building life cycle can be improved with the aid of BIM. This research focuses on two aspects; the fist one is the central and dynamic information administration aspect. The second one is the changes to management due to the implementation of this system. The fact that this trend causes the expected changes in practise is a question that can be asked. To find an answer a clear division will be made within this research, the two topics are Information and Management. These two topics are investigated during a test case at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Two optimal flowcharts will be generated and compared to give an answer to the main research question. The results will be written down in a manual that describes the manner how to use BIM in the stated environment.