Performance Assessment of Water Sectors

Methods and considerations for application

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With the rise of principles for water management in the 1990’s such as concepts as Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM), many countries have come to review their water policy and sectors. But how does one start in the assessment of a water sector with so many different variables and differences between countries? The objective of this paper is twofold. On the one hand it aims to highlight five different approaches and methods that are commonly used in the assessment of water sectors. On the other hand it aims demonstrate how these methods differ in terms of institutional levels. It is critical to understand that water sectors constitute of different institutional layers that are interconnected and all have different levels of focus where different types of water management decisions are made. Ignoring the existence and relations between these layers would be a critical mistake; without a holistic assessment of a water sector the true factors that influence its performance may never be found.