The expected performance of local energy visions in Europe

A governance perspective

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This paper offers insights into the expected performance of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs) as a policy instrument, a local energy vision initiated by the EU and used by municipalities across Europe. How are SEAPs aiming to contribute to the process of local energy transition and how can their performance be improved? The text of thirty SEAPs have been studied. Three vision theories have been used to create a conceptual framework. Besides the focus on the content, the substantive objectives create a dot on the horizon and can shape development , visions such as a SEAP also have to address four governance challenges that are key to successful implementation: multi-level coordination, contextualization, stakeholder engagement and realization. These challenges are to be seen as necessary ingredients for a process to create and implement visions. Our analysis shows that governance challenges remain implicit and not actively dealt with in the majority of the SEAPs studied. We describe the main patterns and underlying assumptions we encountered and reflect on the consequences for the performativity of SEAPs.
