Dialectical [un]canny | Archive for spatial phobias

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The Graduation project focuses on fusing the research phase and a design phase into an outcome of an architectural manifestation and an attempt to frame part of the spatialities and their multiple subjectivities. The project is based and aims to conclude the research and a search for a method to explore the intrinsic possibilities in a dialectic canny/uncanny environments.A design which is proposed is seen as an outcome and a synthesis of an architectural research.
Therefore, the method is framed around the idea that the particular situations [spatial practices of an urban environment] have the embedded and coded potentiality to be unraveled through the architectural discourse. The project puts a focus on a dual (multiple) understandings(readings) of the spatial emergencies. The design and research is also an exploration and a dispute of the itinerary potentialities of the urban conditions. The line between one becoming another gets into a blurred zone, unclearness. Therefore, the new entity could be seen as an emerging topology for the design. Architecture could be seen as an in-between factor to release one’s spatial triggers. Therefore, the research becomes a mental exploration of the phenomenon. The irrationalities embedded within the spatial understanding of the situations manifest themselves through selected methodology. Throughout the research phase, analytical models and drawings were produced to incorporate the approach into a coherent design synthesis.
With the project, I intend to integrate the notion of derive and estrangement into an architectural design of mental understandings of the space. An idea that built-up spatial entities embed the qualities and capabilities of being several things at the same time. All depending on personal visceral factors. From there the architecture of phobia derives. The manifestations of the spatial elements and an in-between which is in this case architecture itself are seen through the most fluctuating point of view. The phobia in itself is an irrationality and by facing it various discontinuities in the spatial understanding of the space are embedded.
The architecture, therefore, is understood as an active agent in terms of releasing the itinerary embedded in the factors. However, the spatial phobias are nested round and directly linked to the elements by which the architecture is made of.
Mixed, juxtaposed, superimposed, joined and fused the construct makes perverse and determined spatial understandings of the spatial equivalents. Bodily positioning in space.