Locating scatterers by non-physical scattered waves obtained by seismic interferometry

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The investigation and detection of near-surface structures (such as cavities, caves, sinkholes, tunnels, mineshafts, buried objects, archeological ruins, water reservoir, etc.) is important to mitigate geo- and environmental hazards. In a former study, we suggested a method based on active-source seismic interferometry for locating the scatterers and we showed the applicability of the method in a simple model. In our method, we use only one source at the surface and non-physical scattered waves retrieved by seismic interferometry to estimate the location of the scatterer. In this paper, we show the effectiveness of the method in case of lateral variations. We use both scattered body and surface waves to estimate the location of a corner diffractor and a scatterer, respectively, and we obtain very good estimations. The method is promising for near-surface seismic field applications.
