Designing the Urban Microclimate

A framework for a design-decision tool for the dissemination of knowledge on the urban microclimate to the urban design process

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The urban microclimate has a significant impact on people’s physical health. Effects range from discomfort, for example sleep disturbance, to life- threatening conditions, such as heat stroke, skin and lung cancer. It is therefore vital that the urban microclimate is given considerable attention in the urban design process. The PhD research focuses on the integration and transfer of knowledge from the specialized field of urban microclimatology into the generic field of urban design. Both fields are studied in order to identify crosslinks and reveal gaps. The main research question: How can the design of urban neighbourhoods contribute to microclimates that support physical well-being and what kind of information and form of presentation does the urban designer need in order to make design decisions regarding such urban microclimates? The result of the research is a framework for a design-decision support tool that is proposed as a means to integrate knowledge of the urban microclimate into the urban design process, enabling urban designers to practice climate-sensitive urban design, and, thus contribute to the physical well-being of people.