Design and Fabrication of On-Chip Cooing Devices Based on the Peltier Effect

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The aim of this thesis project is to design and fabricate a high efficiency on chip cooling device based on the Peltier effect. Bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) and antimony telluride (Sb2Te3) are employed to form thermocouple for their high Seebeck coefficient and high figure of merit. The models of the devices are simulated in the software program COMSOL, and based on simulation results, a set of masks are designed. The patterning methods are investigated, and wet etching is chosen for its simplicity and smooth edge, although the lateral undercut is 4-5 times of the layer thickness. The wet etchant is HCl: HNO3: H2O =3:1:2 for Bi2Te3, and HNO3: H2O =1:1 for Sb2Te3. The devices are tested on the probe station and under the thermal camera. The combined Seebeck coefficient is 282?V/K. A maximum cooling temperature of 3.3K is observed.