Experiences from Local Authorities Stimulating the Adoption of Low-Carbon Technologies by Homeowners

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To meet carbon reduction goals, local authorities aim to achieve a market acceleration for owner-occupied singlefamily home renovations by increasing awareness of – and enabling access to – low-carbon technologies for homeowners in target areas. In this framework, this research summarizes and examines project experiences of seven local authorities in Belgium, France, The Netherlands and the UK in the period 2017-2021. These cover the use of different models of demo exemplars and pop-up consultancy centres in target areas, web module developments and the use of Home Energy Monitoring Systems by local authorities. The results show that local authorities can benefit from using an innovation adoption model to develop an integrated mix to support homeowners throughout their whole renovation journey. Depending on their context, local authorities can focus on specific customer segments and target areas to support adopting new technologies, renovation measures at district level, deep renovation, phased retrofits and any combinations thereof. Physical and digital communication can be tailored to (pop-ups in) specific target areas, customer segments and local actors. Local authorities can work more closely together with intermediaries, also to achieve more renovations, group buying actions, specific energy coaching for groups of homeowners and Integrated Home Renovation Services