Design of a form language for trash bins for the city of Amsterdam

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The municipality of Amsterdam wants to improve the image of the city and its streets. Currently the streets are filled with many different objects that make the streets look crowded and inconsistent. Most of these objects are street furniture. The trash bin is a typical example of a street furniture object, that appears in many different forms in the city of Amsterdam. Therefore the goal of this project is to design a series of trash bins for the city. Puccini Trash Bin Design of a form language for trash bins for the city of Amsterdam. Each different size of the bin should be recognizable in their form as one family. Another important aspect is that the bins must fit with the streets of Amsterdam. The aesthetics of the bin were designed to suit its surroundings. The series of trash bins consists of three bins: 50, 100 and 200 liter. The amount of 100 liter bins exceeds the others by far, and therefore the scope for this project focused on that particular bin. The Puccini trash bin meets all the demands that were given by the municipality of Amsterdam. The design even has a discrete link with the Amsterdam School style. Other features like its floating design, durability, ergonomics and efficient use, make it the ideal trash bin for the city of Amsterdam. What may be the most innovative part of this trash bin, is its material. The bin is produced with nature based composites. Natural fibers such as hennep, jute, and flax are used with a special resin, to create a strong, yet sustainable trash bin. In order for the municipality of Amsterdam to achieve their goal of creating order within their lines of street furniture, the form language used in this design must be used on future street furniture designs.