Rules concerned registration of the spatial objects in Poland in the context of 3D Cadastre's requirements

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In Poland cadastral system is 2D based system. System is using 2D parcels in order to register rights to the land. But according to the cadastral law in polish cadastral system there are registered 3 types of cadastral objects: land parcels, buildings and premises. Registration of a land parcel without spatial objects located on the surface is not problematic. Registration of buildings and premises in typical cases is also not a problem. The situation is comming more sophisticated in cases of multiple use of space above parcel and with more complex construction of the buildings. In paper there are shown the rules concerned the registration of those basic spatial cadastral objects (buildings and premisies). Ways of registration of various untypical 3D objects located within the city of Warsaw, the capital of Poland was examined in the paper. Analysis of data concerned those objects registered in Cadastre and in Land Register are shown in paper. Also registration of underground shopping passages, a tunnel, subway is the subject of analysis. Those objects are not the objects of cadastral registration in Poland. They are registered in the register of roads and bridges, which is maintained in accordance to other regulations. Also registration of typical underground infrastructure in Poland is shown. Those objects are: underground sewage lines, gas lines, water lines etc. Those objects are not the objects of cadastral registration in Poland, but spatial information about those objects is included on base maps.


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