Exploratory investigation of decelerating approaches of a twin-engined jet transport: Vol. II: Moving-base simulation and comparison with related experiments

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Aircraft noise perceived on the ground can be reduced by decelerating the aircraft during the landing approach. As an additional benefit the lower thrust settings existing during a part of the approach and the shorter approach time result in a reduced fuel consumption as compared to a conventional approach. This report deals with an experiment about decelerating approach proceiures carried out with a moving-base flight simulator. During the decelerating approaches the constant deceleration (0.5 kt/s) initiated (with or without autothrottle) at a speed appreciably above the final approach speed was executed with an increasing flap deflection (constant rate). Results of performance measurements, pilot effort ratings and comment are given. A comparison with a fixed-base simulation and an in-flight experiment has been made. During the decelerating approaches, considered as acceptable, more effort was spent in obtaining a performance comparable to the performance obtained during a conventional approach.