DelftCluster Railway transition zones and switches

Factual report fieldtest monitoring

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For the Delft Cluster project ‘Railway transition zones and switches’, extensive field-testing has been carried out. At a location east of the railway station Gouda Goverwelle (GoGo) the behavior of a track and soil at a culvert and a switch are studied. This report is part of a series of reports describing all tests performed at the GoGo test site and their results. All reports are written in the same format and tests are named in similar fashion. The reports also describe the structure of a database that contains all data. This database is supplied digitally along with the reports. The complete series of reports consists of: A. Field survey. 1001069-000-GEO-0004 Factual report field survey B. Short-term measurements May 2008. 1001069-000-GEO-0003 Factual short-term measurement 2008 C. Short-term measurements April/May 2009. 1001069-010-GEO-0004 Factual report short-term measurements 2009 D. Long-term measurements. 1001069-000-GEO-0005 Factual report long-term measurements. This report (A) gives a complete overview of the field survey. The report starts with some information on the culvert and switch. Then, the following geotechnical test results are described: - CPT. - VSPT. - Visual inspection. - Ground Penetrating Radar.