VHDL to SystemC

The Design of a Translator

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VHDL and SystemC are both languages to describe or model circuits and systems. Reasons could exist for wanting to translate a model in VHDL to an equivalent model in SystemC. A system in SystemC can be needed for modeling a system with a software part, for a faster simulation, or because some tools only support SystemC. This thesis presents a tool that performs this translation from VHDL to SystemC. The tool is constructed like a regular compiler: It consists of a front-end that reads and analyzes VHDL code and a back-end that generates SystemC code. The front-end came from the FreeHDL project and we have made the back-end ourselves. The back-end generates SystemC code by traversing the tree that comes from the front-end. We have validated that the tool is suitable for simulation purposes and we have verified that the tool translates VHDL without problems in most cases we have seen in the wild.


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