QuantiFire Smart Technology for Future Firefighters

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This report aims to analyse the possibilities of smart technology for firefighters and how it can be used to make the firefighter department more efficient and safe. The analysis phase focussed on exploring firefighters’ needs and the characteristics of their culture. Besides that, the technological opportunities were investigated, aiming to define the future of firefighting. The outcome of this analysis helped to define the five concepts directions for smart applications: smart communication, virtual situational awareness, contextual navigation, monitoring health and artificial senses. The monitoring health direction is chosen as the most promising. It has the potential to prevent physiological injuries and it could be a first step towards data collection at the fire department. This could contribute to a more efficient and safe fire department. On the basis of this design direction, a concept proposal for a smart system is developed: the QuantiFire. This system improves the communication between firefighters by making smart use of digital audio and it helps in preventing injuries from heat related illnesses. Through rapid prototyping and several iterations, the system is embodied resulting in a smart earpiece and a connected smartphone app. Finally the concept proposal is tested on its core assumptions. This helped to estimate the potential it has on the business, user and technology aspects.


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