Transit Priority to Improve Bus Running Time

A Specific Case in Boston

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This master-thesis analyzes the deployment of congestion protection strategies to improve the bus running time through a specific case; an intersection in the city of Boston, United States of America. At this juncture two bus routes, operated by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (the transit authority), suffer from congestion impacting on their travel time. Different congestion protection strategies -strategies that procure a sense of priorityare evaluated using a micro-simulation program. The results are presented in terms of the travel time and the delay suffered by the transit vehicle and other vehicle classes. To implement the proposed strategies at the intersection an analysis of the policies and actors, technology, and management tools is perfomned. Throughout the analysis several aspects, which have limited the deployment of congestion protection strategies in the city of Boston, are identified. The research concludes that in order to implement congestion protection strategies a shift in perception towards the dependency to use private vehicles and old common practices of priority is to happen in the United States of America. Furthennore an improvement in running time for the bus is achieved when the traffic signal control -fixed timeis changed to vehicle actuated. The report is concluded with suggestions for further research.