Managing the university campus

Towards a maturity model for campus management

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The main function of university Institutions is to produce human capital and providing students and staff with a helpful environment that will enhance their learning, and becoming more creative. It is for institutions a challenging task to match demand with their assets. Resources have to be put for the right use to update the portfolio to changing demand, now and in the future. An efficient application of these resources will prevent a drain on available funds. Managing a university campus has become a complex and challenging task for universities worldwide. It involves strategic, financial, functional and physical aspects as many stakeholders. The universities lack understanding in the benefits and costs of facilities in general and in real estate in particular. As a result, there is highly need for evidence-based information to support decision making. Campus managers need better information systems and tools to support their management tasks and to inform and engage stakeholders. In order to contribute to this understanding of the current condition a maturity model will be developed to support decision making. This tool will measure the maturity level of the current state of campus management, including the performance level. Knowing the current state of campus management and the performance of a university is the beginning of knowing their strengths and weaknesses, and from there, to become better.