Entrepreneurship in Solar Energy

Discovering the Product Meaning and Designing a Product, Service and Business Model

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This thesis presents the design of a solar energy product-service-experience combination that could provide solar energy a new product meaning and perhaps encourage Dutch consumers to use (more) solar energy. The project was initiated by the start-up Googreen as a means to explore suitable business opportunities for the company to enter the solar energy industry in the Netherlands. The findings of the extensive analyses of the current context, the trends and developments in the Dutch society have led to the emergence of a new context for the design: People’s energy replenishing moments and the selection of the target segment: the young professionals. After having investigated this new context and the defined target segment, an elaborate ideation and conceptualisation process was conducted and led to the design of Sunight. Sunight is basically a solar powered lighting fixture for the indoor environment with a DIY concept and modular system. The product can be easily mounted on surfaces such as the walls and ceilings or be used as a flexible and portable light source as well. In addition, Sunight is also equipped with a remote control function, allowing users to for instance turn the modules on or off with their smart devices. The current state of the design is still very conceptual. Further developments are needed to make the DIY construction as smooth as possible in order to minimise failure rates and to review if the construction now is strong enough or not. The current way to mount the light fixture on the walls is not optimal and should be studied further as well. After a rough cost price estimation, it is evident that the start-up should further examine the design to reduce the production costs. In addition to conducting a more elaborate user validation study, the company should also devise more revenue streams and ways to stay competitive in order to increase the success rates of the venture.


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