Spray Characteristics in Gas / Liquid Pintle Injection

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In Liquid Rocket Engine (LRE) design, knowledge of how the propellant atomization quality varies with respect to some injector design variables would be useful in predicting LRE performance. Three spray characteristics were chosen as a measure of Atomization quality: the Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD), the drop size distribution, and the cone angle. For this work, the pintle injector was chosen, with the design variables of choice being the orifice diameter, the pintle impingement angle, and the momentum ratio. Despite being hampered by a number of issues, measurable results were as expected, with smaller drop size ranges being observed with decreases in the orifice diameter and increases in the pintle impingement angle. The latter effect also resulted in smaller values for the SMD. Finally, empirical models were fitted to the experimental data for performance predictive purposes.