Wind energy is one of the fastest growing types of renewable energy. Today, offshore wind represents 14% of the EU wind energy market, and has a huge potential for further growth [1]. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) accounts for 18-23% of the total lifetime cost in offshore
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing types of renewable energy. Today, offshore wind represents 14% of the EU wind energy market, and has a huge potential for further growth [1]. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) accounts for 18-23% of the total lifetime cost in offshore wind farms, compared to 12% onshore [2]. The offshore O&M tasks are more costly, being influenced by distance offshore, harsh offshore conditions, wind farm size, wind turbine reliability and maintenance strategy [2]. Exchanges of main components, also known as major interventions, causes significant costs and has been indicated as the largest uncertaintywhen predicting O&M costs [3]. Major interventions are characterized by the need for a jack-up vessel to perform the exchange. No studies have been found on offshore major interventions. Echavarria has previously performed an analysis on the exchange rates of main components based on the onshore WMEP population, which had an average rated power of 233 kW [4]. Blades and generator were identified as most critical components,
but it is not known how this reflects current exchange rates for larger turbines. The goal of this research is therefore to determine future failure rates and predict the cost of offshore major interventions.