O. Pastor Serrano

12 records found


Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy

Probabilistic Deep Learning for Dose Prediction and Anatomy Modeling

Background: Fast dose calculation is critical for online and real-time adaptive therapy workflows. While modern physics-based dose algorithms must compromise accuracy to achieve low computation times, deep learning models can potentially perform dose prediction tasks with both ...

Objective. In this work, we propose a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) method for retrieving dose distributions of previously planned patients based on anatomical similarity. Retrieved dose distributions from this method can be incorporated into automated treatment plannin ...

Objective. In radiotherapy, the internal movement of organs between treatment sessions causes errors in the final radiation dose delivery. To assess the need for adaptation, motion models can be used to simulate dominant motion patterns and assess anatomical robustness before ...

Objective. Next generation online and real-time adaptive radiotherapy workflows require precise particle transport simulations in sub-second times, which is unfeasible with current analytical pencil beam algorithms (PBA) or Monte Carlo (MC) methods. We present a deep learning ...

Breathing interplay effects in Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) arise from the interaction between target motion and the scanning beam. Assessing the detrimental effect of interplay and the clinical robustness of several mitigation techniques requires statistical eval ...

Background and objective: One of the main problems with biomedical signals is the limited amount of patient-specific data and the significant amount of time needed to record the sufficient number of samples needed for diagnostic and treatment purposes. In this study, we presen ...


To evaluate the effect of interplay due to breathing of the patient during proton treatment of lung tumors Interplay dose calculation techniques have been proposed in literature. The proposed method requires the deformation vector field (DVF) to register dose distributions of di ...
In this report, a transformer based deep learning proton dose calculation algorithm called Dose Transformer Algorithm (DoTA) is described. This model learns to predict proton dose distributions by being trained with Monte Carlo generated data. Monte Carlo is the golden standard o ...
Numerical solving a full order model can be computationally and time expensive. For real time control problems, it may be infeasible to solve full order models. Reduced order models can be used in order to reduce the time and computational cost while maintaining a high enough acc ...
Proton therapy is a great way to treat cancer, since protons can concentrate energy on one single spot, which minimises the irradiated healthy tissue. Because of this property protons are sensitive to uncertainties. Since the tumour is not stationary throughout the treatment, mul ...
During proton therapy treatments of lung tumors, interplay effects occur due to the simultaneous movement of the tumor due to patient’s respiratory breathing motion and the scanning pencil beam. These effects make delivering the dose to the target challenging. In this project the ...