Zongcheng Liu
11 records found
This article proposes an output-feedback fixed-time trajectory tracking control methodology for hypersonic flight vehicles subject to asymmetric output constraints. In contrast to the state of the art, the most distinguishing feature of our control design lies in avoiding usin ...
This article solves the fixed-time trajectory tracking problem for hypersonic flight vehicles (HFVs) encountered with diverse actuator faults and asymmetric envelope constraints. In contrast to the state of the art, the crucial characteristics of our design lie in obviating th ...
This work proposes a nonsingular adaptive fixed-time switching control method for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear dynamics subject to full state constraints. The peculiarity of this design lies in overcoming the singularity issue that typically appears in the existing bac ...
This work attempts to achieve precise tracking control for the longitudinal dynamics of hypersonic flight vehicles (HFVs) without adopting universal approximators (e.g., fuzzy logic systems, neural networks, etc.). To this purpose, the system nonlinearities are well constraine ...
The non-smoothness problem in disturbance observer design
A set-invariance-based adaptive fuzzy control method
For the pure feedback systems with uncertain actuator nonlinearity and non-differentiable non-affine function, a novel adaptive neural control scheme is proposed. Firstly, the assumption that the non-affine function must be differentiable everywhere with respect to control inp ...