V. Roy

7 records found

Reliable prediction and monitoring of dynamically changing environments are essential for a safer and healthier society. Sensor networks play a significant role in fulfilling this task. The two fundamental aspects of environmental sensor networks (ESNs) include the need for accur ...
We propose a sensor placement method for spatio-temporal field estimation based on a kriged Kalman filter (KKF) using a network of static or mobile sensors. The developed framework dynamically designs the optimal constellation to place the sensors. We combine the estimation error ...
In this work, we propose a sparsity-exploiting dynamic rainfall monitoring methodology using rain-induced attenuation measurements from microwave links. To estimate rainfall field intensity dynamically from a limited number of non-linear measurements, we exploit physical properti ...
We develop sparsity-enforcing spatio-temporal sensor management methods for environmental field monitoring applications. Leveraging the space–time stationarity, an environmental field can be estimated with a desired spatio-temporal resolution based on recorded measurements. If th ...
One copy of proceedings in electronic format (delivered on site) is included in the conference registration fee. No hard copy of the proceedings will be produced. IEEE catalog number: CFP13CAA-ART@en