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A. Kwakernaak
Academic Work (86)
Book (1)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (6)
Journal article (4)
Report (72)
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86 records found
Improvements in bonding metals for aerospace and other applications
Book chapter (2012) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J Hofstede (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
R. Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Rinze (author)
R Rinze (author)
R. Rinze (author)
Rinze Rinze (author)
Rinze Benedictus (author)
R Benedictus (author)
Multiple crack healing of Ti2AIC ceramic
Book chapter (2012) -
Shibo Li (author)
G. Song (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
S Van Der Zwaag (author)
S. Van der ZWAAG (author)
S Van der ZWAAG (author)
Sybrand Van der ZWAAG (author)
S. Van Der Zwaag (author)
Sybrand van der Zwaag (author)
S. van der Zwaag (author)
Sybrand Van Der Zwaag (author)
S van der Zwaag (author)
W.G. Sloof (author)
Willem G. Sloof (author)
WG Sloof (author)
W. G. Sloof (author)
Lijmen en lijmverbindingen
Report (2010) -
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
RFM Steenbreker (author)
Improvements in bonding metals (steel, aluminium)
Book chapter (2010) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Rinze Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Rinze (author)
R. Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Benedictus (author)
R Benedictus (author)
R Rinze (author)
R. Rinze (author)
Rinze Rinze (author)
Cost reduction Glare, part 2: Cost-effective and environmental friendly pre-treatment process PSA t
Report (2009) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
C de Ruijter (author)
The effect of substituted poly(p-xylylene) on the quality of bonded joints when used as a primer replacement
Journal article (2009) -
I Fundeanu (author)
D Klee (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Improvements in Bonding Metals
Report (2009) -
JCJ Hofstede (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
Fracture Analysis of Peel Test Specimens
Report (2009) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
F.G.C. Oostrum (author)
SCH van Meer (author)
Bonded repair for fuselage damage: An overall benefit to commercial aviation
Conference paper (2009) -
D. Furfari (author)
HJM Woerden (author)
R. Benedictus (author)
R Rinze (author)
R. Rinze (author)
Rinze Benedictus (author)
Rinze Rinze (author)
R Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Benedictus (author)
Benedictus Rinze (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
The influences of overlap, bond line thickness and pretreatment on the mechanical properties of adhesives in general and bonding glass in particular
Conference paper (2008) -
J.M.C. Vervloed (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
How can adhesive bonding provide improved fatigue resistance and damage tolerance at lower costs
Conference paper (2008) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Adhesive bonding: Providing improved fatigue resistance and damage tolerance at lower costs
Journal article (2008) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
JCJ Hofstede (author)
Chromic Acid Anodising Quality of Aluminium Magnesium Scandium Alloy
Report (2007) -
PA de Regt (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
Het verlijmen van kunststoffen
Journal article (2007) -
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
TJ Ahmed (author)
I. Cringus (author)
Increase of the adhesive bond strength of UHMWPE by using gas phase activation methods
Conference paper (2007) -
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)
TJ Ahmed (author)
I. Cringus (author)
Lijmen van kunststoffen
Report (2007) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
PA de Regt (author)
Lijmen van metalen
Report (2007) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
PA de Regt (author)
Keuren van lijmen en lijmverbindingen
Report (2007) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
PA de Regt (author)
Lijmen algemeen
Report (2007) -
A. Kwakernaak (author)
J. A. Poulis (author)
Hans Poulis (author)
Johannes A. Poulis (author)
J.A. Poulis (author)
PA de Regt (author)
Peel tests of phosphoric acid etched and anodised Titanal
Report (2007) -
PA de Regt (author)
A. Kwakernaak (author)