
8 records found

Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...
Search and rescue User-aware XAI Human-agent teamwork Human-robot teamwork Explainable AI Explainability Explanation styles User-study Personalised explanations
Communication is one of the main challenges in Human-Agent Teams (HATs). An important aspect of communication in HATs is the use of explanation styles. This thesis examines the influence of an explainable agent adapting its explanation style to a supervising human team leader on ...