Luke Bergwerff
7 records found
The precipitation of calcium carbonate is well studied in many fields of research and industry. Despite the fact that, or perhaps because of the fact that, it is well studied in many fields, different approaches have been used to describe the kinetics of the precipitation process
One of the major challenges of in situ applied ground improvement techniques like Microbial and Chemical Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP and CICP) is the homogeneous or at least spatially controlled, distribution of the desired reaction products in order to obtain controlled
Microbially induced precipitation is a multi disciplinary field combining biology, chemistry and geotechnology. An example of such a process is biogrout, where high concentrations of calcium ions together with biological carbonate production is used to precipitate calcium carbona
Universal Darwinism in greenhouses
Proof of concept using an agent based model
A case study and computer simulations provide evidence that greenhouse horticulture businesses display diversity and adaptive complexity, both key features of evolution that led Darwin to develop the theory of natural selection in response to the astounding diversity and adaptive